The master winemakers of Gallargues-le-Montueux
22 videos Youtube - Gallargues-le-Montueux wine cooperative cellarAround 1930 the winegrowers of Grand-Gallargues joined forces to pay for the construction of a cooperative winemaking cellar. There were good periods when the cellar made more than 40,000 hectoliters of sales and other periods when the reduction in cooperators forced the board of directors to move towards quality. Because the margin on good products is always greater. Heavy investments in pneumatic presses, refrigeration unit and refrigerated tanks were undertaken. A quality manager was also recruited to select the different qualities of vines, supervise the harvest and monitor the progress of the vinification. All these efforts were rewarded with numerous gold and silver medals. As well as by an increase in the price per hectoliter for good vintages.
Unfortunately, this success attracted sharks who lulled the board of directors with sweet illusions, but with real big checks. Thus, in 2010, the cellar went bankrupt and merged with the Vauvert cellar, according to the regulations which govern cooperative cellars.
In 2023, the municipality of Gallargues bought the empty walls of this cellar which is currently abandoned .
Retrospective 2024, before demolition: Gallargues-le-Montueux wine cooperative cellar.
Images from the Grand-Gallargues wine cellar archives 2004-2010