Welcome to new residents of Gallargue
Amistad a totes


Yes friends of Gallargues, if we took the train together, it is in the air of the time, it doesn't pollute too much and the train takes you to your dreams. Dreams that make us see the future or the past.

Yes let's take the train that goes back in time, not that of the big companies who compete to appear freer. For our train the ticket is free…


THE train that goes back in time, it can take you from the center of the village to Gallargues at the Ambroix bridge, otherwise known as the Roman bridge. From Gallargues to Aigues Vives, from Gallargues to Lunel, from Gallargues to Aimargues, from Gallargues to Vergèze, from Gallargues to Mus and Gallargues to Gallargues where you are now installed.




YOU know our arenas? Well with our train going back in time, we stop at the arenas, 1000 years ago, our train goes back in time, so stop at the Saint Martin cemetery (you have understood it, place of our arenas of today). And this place happens to be at the center of the old and the new village, that of Vièle which seems to have lived well around the years 1000, there was even an abbey[1]. You imagine an abbey with its lands, its vines, its songs, its organization, but here are people who work “  free » accumulate riches and the Lords become tappers because they need money, it is a sure conflict with those who work for a pittance. bread. The peasants, the feeders of the place finally. These peasants oppose to all powers, from that of the king to that of the abbot (or abbess in this case) [2], that of the local lords. This feeling, they cannot express it, may it and right there.

Pont Ambroix or Roman bridge
Gallargues-le-Montueux on July 30, 2022
Church of Gallargues-le-Montueux, Jan. 2022
View towards the nave
Saint Martin stained glass window, church of Gallargues-le-M.
Stained glass representing the gift of Saint-Martin


So in modern times, in the time of the Reformation, in the time of the printer Gutenberg, at the time of the great voyages of Christopher Columbus, at the time of those who denounce the abuses of the all-powerful Catholic and Roman Church which compete with our kings, the village of Gallargues becomes less dependent on the power of the lords, with the charter granted by François 1er. Gallargues [3] is a village with a town hall. Gallargues follows these preachers moderns who freed themselves from Rome. Then comes the moment when it is asked in Geneva to send a pastor to Gallargues, because the village has freed itself from the CHURCH of Rome, the town hall serves as a temple (unless it is the temple which is communal house), since 90% of the village adopts the Reformation, the so-called reformed religion as it will be called by the royal power which asserts:     one king, one country, one religion. Come on! To galleys those who do not subscribe to the formula. The dream trip does less dream but that's how all the old Gallargues have somewhere a Protestant in their family tree.


So our train takes us to this town hall or consuls' house to make a small shortcut in our race, or temple, but here it is, after the truce of the Edict of Good King Henry IV[4], which allowed us a peaceful stop will come some 250 years later the Sun King[5] who more than ever wanted to appropriate the formula "one king, one country, one religion» and finished the peaceful halt, finished the communal house / temple, the old temple is razed, so decided his majesty[6].


But here, they are tough the Gallarguois, remember more than 90% of the inhabitants were Protestants, therefore not in agreement with the power that persecuted, however all the inhabitants were loyalists and would have just wished to live in peace as they wished. So some inhabitants abjure, that is to say, return to the bosom of the Catholic Church, some are afraid, some want to live in peace, politics and stronger than the religious.


Finished the halt of the temple, finished the pastors. Detail of History, the first pastor Gallargues and Aigues Vives: Paul Chepas Theremin has a descendant who was also pastor at the time of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Her “train” took the form of a cart with a woman and seven children; he found refuge in Berlin[7]…. The halts were to take the form of nightmares more than dreams, for Gallargues in Berlin with the king's dragoons ready, at best, to send all the world at the Galères, on foot with his children, impossible to imagine.


So where was this station that became a ghost, this first temple called old temple? Well almost at the same distance from the Saint Martin cemetery (the arenas) and the new village, near the markets.


Good sure our train is a dream train so over the stations to go up the time, there are stories to tell….


A Gallargues, it was at the end of the 17th century that the Rochemores built their castle at the top of the village, near the site of the old castle, behind the royal tower, no better for our dream stopover.


A new town hall is built on the Place du Codoulie around 1760 under the old royal tower. The Château des Rochemaure symbolizes a form of wealth that our Gallarguois do not all appreciate, really. So in the Revolution, more exactly the 1st April 1792 and it is not a farce, the blazing castle[8], tempers flare and nothing goes.


During the revolutionary period no more question of places of worship, no more stopping places or for the dream train, nor for the spiritual train, but there remain the nostalgic for a stopover.

So in 1802, a certain Napoleon, after having been consul, became Emperor. In 1802, he made friend-friend with the pope, but it was still he who posed his crown of emperor on his head, he establishes a concordat with Rome and especially he has the organic articles written in order to put an end to the tensions religious.[9]


A Gallargues, a new stop will be able to see the light of day, but first, the ruins of the castle are decreed national assets and on March 2, 1794[10], these goods are sold at auction. It seems that the ruins were coveted by many buyers. It is finally Mr. Julien Favery, entrepreneur in masonry which will exploit the ruins of the castle like a vulgar career.

Bell tower of the Gallargues-le-Montueux temple
Raising of the bell to renovate the bell tower, Oct. 10, 2019
Temple of Gallargues-le-Montueux
Scaffolding inside the temple, May 2020
Replacement of the roof of the Gallargues-le-Montueux temple
View from the royal tower
Renovation of the Gallargues-le-Montueux temple
Painting of the new ceiling, March 2020


Our Protestants, however, want a place of worship, a temple, a place spiritual, then Mr. Thomas Burnett[11], mayor of Gallargues from 1803 to 1808 bought the remains of the castle ruins and donated it to the town hall to build a temple for the Protestants of Gallargues who are still and despite the persecutions of the previous century still twice more numerous than the Catholics in this village. A dream stopover.

This dream stopover is a dream come true in several stages, it seems that the first was from 1813 to 1815, but it is more than 30 years later that the temple will become temple, a symbolic stopover.







The president of the priestly council of the United Protestant Church of France in Gallargues le Montueux

Welcome to the new Gallarguois! Protestant rally in Mialet on Sunday, September 3, 2023.

[1] RIVALS Georges, histoire de Gallargues le Montueux, Paris, le livre d’histoire, édition 2002 P.36 ;

[2] MOREAU  Marthe , L'Âge d'or des religieuses - Monastères féminins du Languedoc méditerranéen au Moyen âge, Montpellier, Nouvelles presses du Languedoc, 1996.


[3] RIVALS Georges, histoire de Gallargues le Montueux, Paris, le livre d’histoire, édition 2002 P 66..

[4]  L’édit de Nantes est un édit de tolérance promulgué en avril 1598 par le roi de France Henri IV, pour mettre fin aux guerres de Religion qui ravageaient le royaume de France depuis 1562, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89dit_de_Nantes, consulté le 5 aout 2023.


[5]  Louis XIV.

[6]  Révocation de l’Edit de Nantes par Louis XIV en 1685.

[7] BONIFA Aimé – RUM Horsta, Les huguenots à Berlin et en Brandebourg, Paris, les Editions de Paris, 2000-

[8] ATGER Bernard, des pierres et des hommes, le temple qui cache un château, Brignon, 2017, p71.

[10]  A.D. 30 Q 55

[11] Burnet Thomas, (1734-1824), negociant ecossais, venu s’etablir en France est maire de Gallargues en

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