Mediterranean storm in Gallargues-le-Montueux on September 14, 2021
For several years violent thunderstorms have become a bit rare in Gallargues. Precipitation and thunderstorms often stopping before Vidourle, towards Lunel. But this time, lightning and strong thunder shook the walls of the village and the rain rinsed the sloping streets. On the video you can hear the start of this very noisy thunderstorm but gradually the thunder subsided, giving way to gusts of strong wind and rain.
20 hours after the storm
The lower part of the village has been flooded because the water does not drain properly between the many buildings and the water supply has been cut off (until September 17 in some neighborhoods). The strong gusts of wind tore up pine and pine branches.

View in front of the torn pine, in the background the "royal tower":
High angle view of the whole torn pine tree from the temple square:
Full view of torn pine from war memorial:
Severe thunderstorm on September 14, 2021 in Gallargues-le-Montueux
Orage violent le 14 septembre 2021, autour de 10h